Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Remembering Grandma

June (Tetzner) Sampson
June 9, 1915-May 12, 2002
Mom to 4 sons and 1 daughter
Grandmother to 13
Great Grandmother to many

Mother's day of 2002 the Lord took a very special mother home to him. She had a stroke that left her incapacitated. She was still bossing around the hospital staff however she could until her last breath. That would never change. Don't think any nursing home would be ready for Grandma Sampson. She took care of Grandpa after he lost his legs while being in her 70s and not that great of health herself. She would have it no other way. All the while she would host me and my older cousin for 2 weeks every summer. I looked forward to that every year and cried every time I had to go home. Every 4th of July the whole family would get together at their house. Getting into a bathroom was not easy those days. This was the best time to enjoy the beauty of Northwest Wisconsin and Lake Superior. Grandpa built their house in the woods with his own 2 hands. It was a very unique design, but was perfect setting for the heart of the Sampson family. She never kicked me out of the kitchen when I wanted to watch or help. It seems like she always picked the vegetables I did not like and would not let me go until I took one bite. She taught me to sew and crochet. I was introduced to rummage sale shopping during my summer visits. The last 2 years of her life were a struggle with the death of Grandpa and declining health. X The last conversation I had with her was on the phone. She was talking me out of getting married, and told me it would be a mistake to make a rash decision just because I was pregnant. Maybe somehow she knew what would happen, or that I was not happy going along with this. It didn't take long for me to wish I would have listened. When I heard of her stroke I was 7 months pregnant with Eric. She passed away before my dad made it up there. She lived 400 miles away. My husband and his mother did not want me to go to the funeral because of the pregnancy, and whatever other reasons. Like an idiot I let them order me not to go. The family probably never understood why I didn't come. I never got a chance to say goodbye. Any time I brought it up I was cut off and told too bad, my current family came first. Someday I want to visit her again. This is an 8 hour drive across the state. The house has been sold long ago. My parents, myself and one uncle are the only remaining family members in WIIt wouldn't be the same. Most have moved to the Minneapolis area and I've already been invited to go there . It would be the closest I would come to the family gatherings of my childhood. Now to get brave enough to attempt this trip with 3 kids. I know she would have enjoyed Eric, Andy and Jon. She is seeing them from Heaven. I love you Grandma. The time to say goodbye is now since I couldn't before. The memories in my heart will never die...

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