Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Things We Take for Granted

until they are gone...

My dryer quit on me about a month ago. The drum just stopped turning so some of the clothes would just get hot, not dry. The washer was making ungodly noises and was not cleaning well. Washers and dryers are not cheap machines. With 3 little boys I need close access to working laundry equipment. I am thankful for everyone who let me use their machines. The laundermat was interesting to say the least with 3 kids in tow. It was a happy day when my new to me washer and dryer came to their new home. Another exciting purchace I made with my tax refund money:

This has already earned it's keep as can be seen. I never thought I would appreciate a vacuum cleaner that actually picks up and isn't loud/noisy enough to wake the dead. I can even use this with Andy and Jon awake! That is huge, and I don't have to wait until midnight to vacuum! Vac and I still have plenty of work to do. Too bad the last of this pneumonia is still hanging with me.

This brings me to being greatful when I am healthy enough to care for my children. A few weeks ago I caught a flu bug that blew up into pneumonia. This was the result of not getting anywhere near enough sleep for so long and stress. Caring for 3 kids on my own makes it hard to take the time to rest and take care of myself. Friends helped when they could and I was very thankful for that. I had a hard time letting go of the fact that I could not care for and play with my kids the way I thought I should. I've never been that sick in my life, and would never wish on anyone feeling that bad. After being sick for over 2 weeks I finally went back to my doctor, got a lecture about caring for myself and some new meds. The next day I had my wonderful friends here with my kids, and slept for 6 hours in the middle of the day, and more later on. The sleep, fever and meds finally took care of the worst of this and I feel so much better. I'm still coughing and tire easily but I am heading in the right direction. Just like when I was struggling through PPD I had to take the time for me. I learned what helped me through that, and use it to get through the rest of life's trials. For now I am praying that all the germs stay away from here for some time.

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